Joseph R. Biden, Inaugural Address, January 20, 2021
"I believe we can save our planet. I believe we can provide for one another. I believe we can create the future that we’ve always dreamed of."
President Joe Biden, having spent a lifetime in public service, entered office amid unprecedented challenges and a divided political landscape. As the 46th President of the United States, Biden’s term has been characterized by ambitious goals and polarizing outcomes. As his term ends, our opinionators delve into how he approached certain pivotal events, the promises he made, and the results of his policies.
Pakistan Unrest

Biden’s View: "Concerned with Imran Khan's distrust of the West and open diplomatic relations with Russia, US diplomats under Biden conducted a coup against the democratically elected figure. Threatening the Pakistani Parliament with a reprisal campaign if they did not overthrow Khan, a vote of no confidence was initiated to appease the United States and Biden."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: "No [I don't]. Since Imran Khan was democratically elected, a US-inspired coup is merely a continuation of our concerning history of interventionism and destabilizing regions for our self-interests. Though Imran Khan was far from perfect, he made significant strides in combating corruption and challenging the military rule in the nation."
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
Reason for Failure: "Though claiming to commit himself to democratic principles, Joe Biden has failed to uphold these tenets with respect to the ousting of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. The protests and general unrest, coupled with the increasingly oppressive rule of the military establishment, are key indicators of Biden's complicity in Pakistan's political volatility. Khan was the last thing standing between Pakistan and total military rule. With the fall of Imran Khan, democracy has fallen as well."
Afghanistan Withdrawal: First Take

Biden’s View: "Biden promised to end America's forever wars, claiming the Afghanistan proxy war was never meant to be multi-generational, and arguing the mission had shifted from counterterrorism to nation-building. He justified the withdrawal by saying America's promise to its people had been fulfilled through the neutralization of Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda and that the responsibility for Afghanistan lay with its people, and not the American troops."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: "No [I don't]. Biden's plan underestimated the fragility of the Afghan government and its military. The rapid pullout created a power vacuum that invited the Taliban to regain control immediately, undoing all progress in human rights, particularly for women and minorities. The act not only led to destabilization in the region but also created consequences beyond the Afghan borders, where tensions with its neighbor, Pakistan, are still on the rise. Not only does this erode the trust in US commitments by its allies but also exacerbates a humanitarian crisis ensuing in Afghanistan, as the extremist Taliban regime continues."
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
Reason for Failure: "The rapid pullout from Afghanistan was a deeper reflection of the unsuccessful 20-year usurpation of American hegemony in the Global South. While the Biden administration may not have had sufficient autonomy over the way the Doha deal was conducted, it did have the opportunity to prioritize strategic foresight over political optics, which it conveniently failed to consider. Without appropriating a stable transition of power, the US pushed Afghanistan into its own hell, a void that had been accumulating for decades and was now ready to burst in a residue of Islamic neotraditionalism."
Afghanistan Withdrawal: Second Take

Biden’s View: “President Joe Biden's decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan was rooted in a desire to end America's longest war and shift focus to other foreign policy priorities and domestic challenges. Biden’s decision underscored a broader shift in U.S. foreign policy, moving away from large-scale military interventions toward diplomacy and partnerships to address modern global challenges. The Biden administration inherited a deal negotiated by the Trump administration with the Taliban in February 2020. The agreement called for all U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan by May 1, 2021, provided the Taliban upheld certain conditions, including reducing violence and severing ties with terrorist groups. While Biden extended the deadline to August 31, 2021, he stated that reneging on the agreement could lead to a resurgence of conflict and necessitate a significant troop surge.”
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: “Yes [I agree]. Biden emphasized the need to redirect the U.S. resources to pay attention to emerging global challenges, particularly competition with China, and address security threats in other regions. While I do not agree that China is as great of a competition and threat as the U.S. makes it out to be, I do believe there are more valuable foreign policy focuses that would enhance the U.S. He also prioritized domestic issues such as economic recovery and infrastructure development, both of which were done in different ways and continuing to spend so much taxpayer money and sacrificing lives of those who served both did not support domestic interests nor the U.S. economy.”
Rating: ★★★☆☆
Reason for Outcome: “Biden argued that the U.S. had provided the Afghan government and military with two decades of training, resources, and financial support. He stated it was time for Afghanistan to determine its future without continued U.S. military involvement. Because he acknowledged the inherent risks but still maintained his belief that a continued U.S. presence would not lead to a sustainable resolution, I believe it was as much of a success as it could have been. There genuinely was no "easy" or truly successful out of the situation. The withdrawal plan focused on gradually reducing U.S. troop levels while ensuring the safety of American personnel and allies. Biden highlighted efforts to evacuate Afghan allies who assisted the U.S. during the war, such as interpreters and contractors. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that the withdrawal faced significant criticism due to the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and military, the Taliban's swift takeover of Kabul, and chaotic scenes during the evacuation at Hamid Karzai International Airport. But regardless, it was an impossible situation. There is no success or failure in this. It just simply was what it was.”
Israel and Palestine

Biden’s View: "President Biden is a self-proclaimed and acting Zionist. He is steadfast in his commitment to support Israel during its 'war' against Hamas, sending billions of dollars and arms to the regime with the help of Congress. Biden also, on the other hand, has urged for an immediate ceasefire multiple times, citing the humanitarian disaster taking place in Gaza, and called for the release of all hostages. He believes in eradicating Hamas and claims he is in support of a two-state solution."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: “No [I don’t]. I do not support my tax dollars going towards defending the Israeli apartheid regime blindly and without conditions. I do not support the immense amount of arms and monetary support we have given them when we have significant issues domestically that deserve our immediate attention. I don’t support anything the United States has done to aid the genocide of the Palestinian people. I am happy- and hesitant- about the ceasefire deal that has been reached. I do agree with Biden on that aspect, however a ceasefire would have been nice before we lost thousands of innocent lives and displaced thousands more.
Rating: ★☆☆☆☆
Reason for Failure: "As a strong believer in Palestinian liberation, if Biden truly cared about the 'humanitarian crisis' – which really should be referred to as a genocide – ongoing in Gaza and other parts of Palestine, he would have withdrew U.S. support and immediately have enacted an arms embargo the moment things became out of hand (right away) and would comply with the ICC warrants for Netanyahu's arrest. He failed on this greatly, and is a major reason of why the Democratic party lost the election in 2024. But, once a war criminal, always a war criminal.”
Environmental Policy

Biden’s View: "President Biden entered office promising to tackle climate change and position the United States as a global leader in clean energy. His administration rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement, introduced the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) with historic investments in renewable energy, and aimed to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: "Yes [I agree]. Climate change is a pressing global crisis, and the steps taken by the Biden administration have demonstrated significant commitment to addressing it."
Rating: ★★★★☆
Reason for Success: "Biden’s policies have reinvigorated the renewable energy sector and incentivized businesses to adopt greener practices. While challenges remain, such as implementing consistent regulations and bipartisan support, the administration’s forward momentum is commendable."
Rescue Plan Act of 2021

Biden’s View: "Biden’s Rescue Plan Act of 2021 was intended to combat the negative economic effects brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States for low-income and middle-class Americans (very little support was provided to those of higher economic standing). He promised a better economy that would come from the Act’s effects."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: "Yes [I agree]. In the wake of the pandemic, economic support was vital. Many industries collapsed, jobs were cut, and most Americans were deeply struggling. The Rescue Plan supported Americans and took steps to rebuild the collapsing economy. The stimulus checks were generally well-received and used by their recipients."
Rating: ★★★★☆
Reason for Success: "The House of Representatives at the time was controlled by Democrats. An absent Republican Senator meant that the vote passed through the Senate easily. Regarding the actual success of the Plan, the amount of money was easily why it was a success— it invested into all areas of American society; from Americans, to schools, to public initiatives, and to the nation as a whole. Many economic packages have been passed in the past, but not to the cost of almost $2 trillion.
It’s quite disappointing that the Democrats didn’t leverage this victory in any of their advertising or appeal to voters…Republicans did not pass pandemic protections anywhere close to how the Democrats did. This was a failed chance to sway independent voters."
Immigration Reform

Biden’s View: "From the beginning of his campaign, Biden has supported comprehensive and systemic immigration reform. He always promised a fair and balanced path to citizenship. He promised an 8-year plan to citizenship, the reunion of families, and ending private detentions."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: "Yes [I agree]. At the time, I agreed with his plan. It seemed reasonable and logical. It was a very humane and just process that followed the law in a way that didn’t favor any particular class or group."
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
Reason for Failure: "Biden's uneven success in immigration is due to political, legal, and logistical obstacles. He was successful in overturning several Trump-era measures, connecting families, and investing in Central America through executive action and popular backing. However, bigger reforms such as a path to citizenship failed thanks to the congressional blockade, record-high border crossings, and legal constraints. Rebuilding the system after years of stringent restrictions has also proved time-consuming and difficult, therefore, hindering his efforts and promises.
It’s disappointing to see empty promises but expected based on history. What angers me is the idea that candidates can promise a lot at the beginning of their campaign and deliver nothing by the end of their term."
Latin-American Foreign Policy

Biden’s View:"Much of Biden’s view on Latin America has to do with addressing root causes. He has invested money in Latin America to try to prevent drugs and migrants from coming to the US, and has softened some sanctions."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: "No [I do not]. I do believe that it is important to address the root causes of what has happened in Latin America. However, his lifting of sanctions on Latin America has done little to force dictators out of power and has empowered our adversaries."
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
Reason for Failure: "I think the reason Biden failed in Latin America was solely a matter of his complete disengagement with the region. Biden didn’t even visit Latin America until a few months ago. As a result, many Latin American countries have elected to have closer relations with China instead of allying with the United States. In my opinion, this is a serious dent in the President’s economic fight against China. Furthermore, the Administration has put little pressure on the region's dictators in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. While he did refuse to recognize Maduro’s victory, it seemed as if little pressure was put on him, other than new sanctions that had little real significance.
I just will say that I think many Democrats have spent a lot of time wondering why Hispanics shifted so much to the right, and I really do think this is a part of it. Oftentimes, Latinos feel incredibly connected to their home country, and seeing a President who just ignores it has to be aggravating. "
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Biden’s View: "Biden has been a strong advocate for DACA, which protects undocumented immigrants who have arrived in the United States at a young age. He refers to the recipients as “Dreamers”. When he took office, fortifying DACA was one of the first things he did. His goal has been to help build a path to citizenship for Dreamers as well as promote inclusivity. Congressional action has been attempted to allow for permanent protection of Dreamers, but no solutions have been agreed upon."
Agreement with Biden’s Goal: "No [ I don’t agree]. While DACA may seem to help protect young undocumented immigrants, it has many gaps and does not allow for a permanent solution for the recipients. This does not benefit anyone because Dreamers cannot plan for a long-term future and have to constantly worry about their status. With elections occurring every four years, the program is uncertain based on who is in office. Without Congress coming to a bipartisan agreement, the uncertainty of DACA will continue to rise."
Rating: ★★☆☆☆
Reason for Failure: "I think improving DACA has failed because of how polarizing the issue of immigration is. It is difficult for both parties to come to an agreement when their opinions on immigration are so different.
DACA is unlawful because it gives incentives to undocumented immigrants. I believe this was a reach of executive power and does not push for inclusivity. Instead, it encourages others to immigrate illegally because they can receive benefits from the United States without following the proper procedures to enter our country. "
Our Conclusion:
In the end, President Joe Biden’s time as the 46th President of the United States will likely be remembered as a term filled with lofty promises, inconsistent execution, and the frustrations of unfulfilled potential. While Biden scored significant victories, such as rejoining the Paris Agreement and passing the Rescue Plan Act, his presidency often felt more reactive than visionary.
His foreign policy decisions, particularly the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and the mishandling of Latin America revealed a lack of foresight that undermined trust in the United States on the global stage.
Domestically, while his environmental policies showcased genuine progress, his failure to deliver on comprehensive immigration reform and his lukewarm approach to addressing systemic inequalities disappointed those who had hoped for bold change.
Biden’s presidency exemplifies the tension between aspiration and reality, leaving behind a legacy that is, at best, uneven and, at worst, emblematic of the stagnation of American political leadership.
Photo Credit:
[1]- U.S. Institute of Peace
[2]- AP
[3]- Reuters
[4]- Mahmoud ssa/Anadolu via Getty Images
[6]-Danielle Parhizkaran/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
[7]-Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images
[8]- ILRC