The first school shooting I remember hearing about was Sandy Hook. I was two years older than a majority of the children whose lives were so ruthlessly taken from them. I could not comprehend the exact extent to what had occurred, nor did I know of the school shootings, like Columbine, that had preceded the evil act. As I’ve later had the privilege of growing up, one that many children caught in these senseless acts of violence were not gifted, I have seen how these school shootings happen again and again, how truly nothing of substance has been done, and how our politicians so easily break their promises.
The words “Never again” became a mantra after Sandy Hook, and yet, since 2012, an estimated 1,753 school shootings have occurred in the US [1]. How do we, as a country, stand behind a mantra that holds no truth? Sure, we all had hope that a school shooting killing over 20 elementary students would be the last. But, no more than two years ago, the mass shooting at Uvalde showed us that we have not yet learned from our country's tragic history.
Speaking of mantras, the phrase “thoughts and prayers” is often plastered across social media, spoken on the news, and delivered through politicians’ speeches succeeding these school shootings. But have “thoughts and prayers” actually gotten us anywhere? Despite millions of people sending their prayers, school shootings continue to occur. Our politicians send their heartfelt concerns, yet follow up with no bills to help these events stop happening.
To our politicians, on both sides of the aisle-
keep your thoughts and prayers, let’s see some action.
Children are dying. School is not a safe space from weapons anymore. School shooting drills have become second nature to America’s youth - most can tell you where to hide, what specific code words to use, and how to make sure to keep quiet. This is the culture America fosters now. This should not be normalized. This was not the country our country's adults, especially our politicians, grew up in.
How did we let it get to this point? We must question why we, as a country, decided post-Sandy Hook that we were okay with allowing children to die at the hands of an assault weapon. And we must ask ourselves - where should we assign the blame?
We can blame our nation's officials. Politicians on both sides of the aisle have failed this country's children with their broken promises. Whilst the left does not push hard enough for significant gun law reform, the right’s committed loyalty to the second amendment keeps any reform from reaching the negotiation table. Politicians like Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, and Mitt Romney have all received substantial funding from the NRA [2], making it quite easy for them to restrict any effective gun reform or openly criticize gun rights after school shootings. considering they benefit from a lobbying group that has spread the “gun rights” agenda for years.
Conservatives will rather point to the mental health crisis in America as an excuse to not discuss the problem at hand - namely, the gun epidemic. I will be the first to admit that America has a mental health crisis and that something drastic needs to be done about the lack of care so many that struggle experience. However, if these politicians truly are so concerned about improving mental health and fighting gun violence, then why have none of the most vocal congressional members put forth any sort of bill helping our citizens obtain help for their illnesses? Many Republicans are against proposals,such as universal healthcare coverage, that would lead to actual change. By using mental health as a scapegoat, they bare themselves as the hypocrites they are.
School shootings, as horrible as it sounds, have no end in sight. Politicians have put gun violence on the back burner, which will lead to even more devastating statistics regarding our nation's youth and their interaction with guns. I will never understand how anyone can look at the immense suffering the victims' families go through and not want to do everything in their power to get something passed to save another family from such a fate.
“Never again’ they said, and yet here we are. School shootings have happened since and will continue to happen again. And again.
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